I'm getting a late start today, but I'll hopefully be able to get the multiplayer working. Yesterday I added ragdolls, which makes it a lot more fun to shoot stuff. I want to get a basic playable prototype either by tomorrow or Tuesday, with multiplayer games it's important to test it out early. I still need to figure out ways of enforcing or encouraging players to not just kill each other any chance they get, without being too gamey.
Live stream going up here: http://www.twitch.tv/crypticsea
Well the only way to make score or to win should be to get the MacGuffins. Maybe if you kill your re-spawn timer goes up? Killing makes the police come after you?
ReplyDeleteJust some ideas.
Every time someone kills someone else flash up a name, age, role in life and some set of relationships, like "Bob, 24, Cheesemaker, Father of 2".