Friday, September 7, 2007

Don't get excited!

Here's a video showing some of the early progress of Gish 2, this is not a trailer, just some graphics tests we've been working on. Some of the new features the fans might notice include normal mapping on the background, which is actually a pretty simple technique that will work on cards back to the GeForce 1. The other feature is soft shadows, what you see in the video is a bit of a hack, just to see how it will look. Soft shadows will probably require a fragment shader in the end, mainly because of optimizations that can be done with shaders. On older cards we will use the hard shadows technique from the original Gish. Also if anyone has seen Reggie make sure to give him our contact information, it appears he has lost our phone number.


OP-101 said...

i couldn't help it, i got excited ;p

Anonymous said...


2D platafoms forever, please.

I can´t wait to play this jewel.
PSP version too XD.

Thanks for your great work.

Graham Goring said...

Looks nice, not sure the shiny-shiny is so necessary and there are a couple of bits where it's not obvious what is solid and what isn't until you're in contact with it but as it's all test stuff that's of no matter. Surprised that you're seemingly writing it from scratch rather than updating the previous engine's graphics instead.

The bright sunny stuff was interesting, though? Is it the case that Gish 2 won't be set in near permanent stygian darkness? ;)

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

O_O oh yeah!!!
the shiny background effects look better than I thought! I'm surprised though that you remake it all, but as long as the controls and physics would stay they same, Gish 2 would be one of the best games ever.
I know these are only the first steps but gish doesn't really seem to behave the same way when meeting walls and steps...
btw I love the outside desert background, but will all levels be so full-of-platforms and tower-like? where will you put all the monsters ^^ ?

Unknown said...

Woah, cool. Do you have a button that makes Gish flat now? I didn't think you could crawl up a wall into a small space like that. Also, is it possible to make Gish cast a shadow too?

Edmund said...

Graham- keep in mind this is 2 weeks of dev, we are just testing effects, this wont be doom 3 (shiny all over all the time). i will only use that effect where it appropriate.

cltin- We have been playing around with updated abilities, i.e. when you go slick now gishs body will loosen up and he will go almost flat, this in turn makes it easier to jump high at any time and also slide through smaller areas that weren't possible in gish 1.

Anonymous said...

please don't invent too many new abilities, and about the new slick effect- you can get flat using the arrow movement keys...

Edmund said...

JJ, please keep in mind that me and Alex made gish. why would we fuck the game up? also why would we update the slick ability if it wasn't proven as "better" and useful.

have a little faith, we know what we are doing.

Graham Goring said...

See? This is the reward for showing early footage. ;)

JJ said...

^^ OK then... you guys are awesome!
(just had to be sure)

Unknown said...

That is really exciting... can't wait to see all the cool little goodies you guys throw in there. No offense but I hope the level design is better than Gish 1, I actually found the user-generated levels to be more inventive/interesting then the levels that came with the game.

Graham Goring said...

There are user-generated levels for Gish? Lawks, I really have to reinstall my copy (it was lost in the great hard-drive wipe of 2007).

JJ said...

1. I've noticed a second gish in the clip you've posted at one point- does that mean the game would have a serious multiplayer? even in non-VS-levels? please tell me it's an online multiplayer mode!
2. it seems gish is smaller compared to his surroundings- does that mean awesome new higher resolution? I really like seeing more of the level at a given moment. in gish 1 I often got the feeling that it's a shame I can't see any further.

Graham Goring said...

It's a pity you couldn't see further, JJ, as just off the edges of the screen was the best pornography ever. ;)

nuns noise nooses said...

Can we host this on gametrailers? We compress stuff a lot less than youtube. Let me know ryans[at]gametrailers[dot]com

Unknown said...

@graham: yes I have seen the off-screen porn in the level editor ;)

Unknown said...

Very nice :D

Just a few questions:
-What language do u use?
-Wich graphics API do u use?

Alex Austin said...

I use C, and for APIs I use OpenGL and SDL.

Unknown said...

interesting shadowing technique, i had some game ideas a few years back for which i implemented some crazy 2d visibility stuff.

email me if you're interested to discuss it: