Here's a couple videos some guy sent me of a bunch of people playing A New Zero, they have a dedicated server up so if you've been wanting to play an obtuse vehicle combat simulation with a broken economy now's your chance!
Also ATI sucks. Their latest drivers created more OpenGL bugs, look at these two screen shots, one is what it should look like and the other is caused by an ATI bug.

If you guessed the bottom one is the ATI bug you win! What caused this you may ask? It's this line of code:
That smooths the lines for the objects. When I released the latest ANZ version about a year ago it worked fine on my ATI card. Since then the latest ATI drivers somehow managed to make it so when line smoothing is enabled it fucks up GLSL shaders, even though line smoothing is immediately disabled after rendering the lines. Why does this happen you may ask? I have no clue.
This is just another in a long line of ATI's OpenGL driver bugs. That's why if someone is buying a video card and want to play indie games I recommend buying an NVidia card, the only reason I have an ATI card is to hopefully find these bugs before I release games, but this time ATI managed to outwit (or I guess the opposite of outwit) me. At least ATI is better than built-in Intel GPUs, but so is a 3dfx Voodoo 1.
It's disheartening tales like these that make me think I'm going to have to bite the bullet and buy an ATI card before my game launches :(
More people need to play this game...
Waiting for the economy to get fixed and the code to be reverted in such a way that older systems can play it again without lagging out.... ; )
I really hope we see a new version soon, have been playing nonstop.
Also I'm on a HD4870 and I don't get that error.
I'm on a 5770 and unfortunately I get the bug while playing. I was going to buy a Nvidia card when building my system in December but I chose the 5770 for the better value. I guess thats my fault. Next card I get will be a card that has decent drivers that do not cause bluescreens on a daily basis.
Ah that just makes me want to play ANZ again..
It looks so good, very fluid and with great texture.
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