Thursday, December 1, 2011

A New Zero update

I've been working on the landscape generation, I've got some real mountains in now, I also have been working on rivers.  For the rivers I'm trying to figure out how players will build bridges across them, obviously doing it brick by brick would take way too long.  I have the engine working now where players can build structures anywhere on the landscape, which will probably be about 4km by 4km.  I'll be switching it over to a voxel landscape instead of height mapped soon also, so the world can have cliffs or tunnels.  I'm still working on the human movement, I'm going to have to fake parts of it, it's just a matter of how much, but I'm glad I didn't go with a generic floating turret.  I'm not sure when the next version will be up, I was thinking of trying to get something done for the IGF but that's another lost cause I'm afraid.  Once I have something fun to play, whether it's FPS combat, tanks or planes, I'll put up a new version.


The Wool Market said...

I'm so exited about the development of this game. I'm following as close as I can.

Is there anyway I could donate to the continued development of A New Zero?

Jake said...

You should do something like this:

coolguy1 said...


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cpt1nsano said...

Sounds great but how about some news about Pontifex III.

Retro said...

F the G :)

MeWannaTakeYouHome said...

Just found out about this game, looks very interesting :)

Matt said...

That human movement test video you posted was amazing. Can't wait to get my hands on a version with it in-game!


this game is already and going to be one of the best pc games around!