Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Sub Rosa Test 1 Highlights

Thanks to everyone who was able to join, it was a lot of fun.  I have plenty of things to fix/add, hopefully have a new version by Friday.


coolguy1 said...

I could not get my gaming rig to try this out so instead I used my note book but I could not play. :(

coolguy1 said...

Any chance this game will end up with VOIP like arma? It would make the game play better I think.

Unknown said...

Played your game a bunch today. I have to say, I enjoyed the hell out of it. Feels like it would be right at home as a GTA IV multiplayer mode. It has that great sense of freedom and sand box play style which is always a challenge to make possible with other players.

I must say however, the whole documents and syndicate thing seems to be lost on the game. I think every one has just agreed to consider the white block cocaine and have seen other liken the gray team to be cops. With that said, if you were willing to go that route, it would be cool to see flashing lights on the gray teams car. Also, a private chat option to the third team would be neat as to rat out your team with out them knowing.

In closing, thanks for being awesome and putting together such a fascinating game is such a short time for the community.

Talisman said...

Amazing, I can't wait for an update, I've played this for 7+ hours now.

This has such replay value for me because every single match has something different happening, imagine if you added different car types to choose from, Customizable car colors, maybe even a helicopter, buildings you can enter to do indoor deals, different weapons to choose from, explosives, etc. It would be amazing.

Also, is there any way to change the maximum player value? I tried adding things like maxplayers=32 in the config but it gets removed, is there no way to get more then 16 players yet?

VipeNess said...

Hey! I am really enjoying you game. Been playing all day today. I have an ATI XFX 2GB video card and a i2700k with 16g ram. I'm getting choppy results at 1920x1080 fullscreen. I heard some issues with ati on opengl. is there a fix in the future?

VipeNess said...
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Talisman said...

VipeNess. Have you tried the affinity fix? I have a Nvidia GT 460 and the game does run a little choppy sometimes for me, until I opened task manager and went to processes tab and right clicked and changed cpu cores from all selected to just having core 01 select. Made things much much smoother even in 16 player multiplayer games.

VipeNess said...

no mouse when alt tabbed out of game; can't set affinity.

Talisman said...

Try having an internet window open and ALT-TABBING to that, then setting affinity. I run the game at 1920x1080 but NOT FULLSCREEN, do it windowed but just drag the window up to where it appears fullscreen.

xc4kxsoldier said...

Will it be fore mac

xc4kxsoldier said...
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Talisman said...

I made a pretty funny video on Sub Rosa showing the gameplay of a normal round:

Alex Austin said...

@Talisman There's no way to change the max players yet, the netcode is really hacked in so it wouldn't support more than that yet.

@VipeNess I'm working on a fix for the choppiness, I'm not sure if I can fix the Alt-tabbing because of the way SDL handles OpenGL contexts.

@xc4kxsoldier Yeah I should be able to have a Mac build for the next version.

xc4kxsoldier said...

Cool this is an awesome game and it'l be awesome when it becomes mac compatible

Alex Austin said...

@Braylon You have to tell me your system specs otherwise I have no way of fixing it. I can only test it on 3 PCs and it runs fine on all of them.

Unknown said...

Is it possible to give some time to players to come up with a plan before a round starts?

Few other suggestions if you are open to them.

Change Grey or blue so they are more distinguishable from each other.

Either make a cars with friendlies visible to team mates or put head lights on cars that you can turn on and off to signal others. Like in the movies.

Finally, team mate name tags. Would make identifying who the garbage drivers/team killers are and avoid them.

Unknown said...
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