Friday, June 7, 2019

Sub Rosa Alpha 35 notes

Changes for 35d

Versus Mode:

Games last 5 rounds, at the end players cash is reset
Time accelerates with all cash in vaults instead of ending
Replays should work now
Can load different maps (use "/setmap X", X is the number of the map, "/setmap 1" will load "versus" by default, set map names in config_versus.txt)
Buying delay option
Map changes
New map "versus2"
Bonus ratio option, bonuses will be smaller for teams with a large number of players compared to other teams

Round Model:

Weekly mode option, games last 5 rounds, team with the highest stock price at the end wins
Bonus ratio option, bonuses will be smaller for teams with a large number of players compared to other teams

"/savereplay X" will now save X number of replays