Monday, November 24, 2008

A New Zero

Download: Windows Demo 0.7
Information: Webpage


coolguy1 said...

i think you should explain why you posted this instead of just posting it you know?

Unknown said...

the servers don't show up when i select join game

Mott3 said...

honestly ? i dont understand the new name ^^ and i miss the old speed display :(
but otherwise its nice ... would be cool to have two modes: a "classic mode" like old ramjets with only jets n bombs and an advanced mode with all the new stuff.
i like those turrets shooting sticky particles balls xD

Filip Bártek said...

In fact, I kinda miss the old ramming gameplay (without any weapons). It was very elegant.
As for the new version, since it is even more complex, I won't be able to decide whether I like it until some people start playing. :/

Azbec-Azreal said...

I like the new tactical feel about it but I agree mott, there should be a classic mode as well. There should also be a couple more maps like the wall and basis like in classic ramjets. I reckon that the turrets should shoot slower or shoot cannons or something. But overall I like it. Whats with the name!?!

Unknown said...

My boat keeps on getting one shotted!

When I'm in range they Sepulchritude my ass it's 15k unbelievably large balls at me with the precision of a sniper/surgeon thing bot.

Unknown said...

Also, Arrow Up and Down controls the Missile Boat's Launch Angle.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I think it's awesome, and I really like the direction the game is going. I do miss some of the original combat, but it is very satisfying to kill boat after boat with sky dives, and the few seconds after you get hit by a cannon where you're panicking and wondering what you can do are unforgettable. As for that new name, I'm gussing it was because it's not just about jets now. It could be a malapropism for "A New Hero", or it could have something to do with the WW2-era Japanese planes. I dunno, beats me. All in all, great work Alex.

Alex Austin said...

I'll be posting some information about all the new stuff soon. I'm still working out the gameplay but I wanted to get a version up, if you find bugs send me an email.

Unknown said...

Amazing game! I've only played with bots so far(no servers showing up) but that was enough to show me the potential.

Keep up the great work, looking forward to version 0.8.

Jon said...

Does the game crash for anyone else?
The game pretty much crashes as soon as i start it, I cant even make it to the menu.

Is it becouse of Vista?

Player1 said...

i really like the new version 0.74. Runs much smoother now for me. But still i wish there was a bit more info on the screen or just a little short manual of the game and somehow i don't get how i'm supposed to play during the night (even if it looks fantastic)...

Anonymous said...

great concept and visuals :P
i hope you add infantry troops, and a level editor :P so that people can replay "battlefield" in a major island :P

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